There are people who have difficulty sitting on their feet because they make a bang when they wake up. If you have these symptoms, you can suspect hip disease. Hip joints are used as much as knee joints. There is a lot of use, and various diseases can appear in the hip joints that support our body weight.Hip diseases include hip arthritis, ceiling joint syndrome, hip collision syndrome, and femur head bloodless necrosis. Hip Collision Syndrome is a disease in which the hip joint connected to the pelvis collides and damages tissue, resulting in pain.

Ceiling joint syndrome is a disease in which ligaments around the ceiling joint connecting the pelvis and waist are damaged, causing joint instability and pain in the lower back, hips and pelvis. I’m not familiar with the name, but it seems that more than 10 percent of patients with lower back pain and more than 30 percent of patients with pelvic pain suffer from the disease.Hip arthritis is a disease that causes inflammation in the hip joint, and like the knee, degenerative changes are the most common, but cartilage covering the hip joint can be damaged, which can cause arthritis.Bloodless necrosis of the femur head is a disease in which necrosis occurs in the femur head that connects the pelvis and hips. Bloodless necrosis of the femur head causes necrosis because the blood flow entering the femur head is blocked and nutrients and oxygen are not supplied, and waste cannot be discharged. The exact cause of the disease has not been revealed, but there are more female patients than men.Bloodless necrosis of the femur head causes hip pain. When you walk on the legs of a nobleman, you may feel pain on the pelvis, and when you go up and down stairs, you may feel feverish. The pain is severe when you step on the ground, but the pain is reduced when you lie down or sit down.The principle needle procedure, which is a non-surgical treatment for hip diseases that cause severe hip pain, can be useful. Principle needle treatment is the treatment of structural pain by inserting the principle needle into the cause of pain and behavior disorder. It can heal the pain by removing the adhesive part, but it can reduce pain and improve blood circulation by loosening the adhesion of ligaments and nerve adhesion part with a principle needle with a blade at the tip.It can be treated quickly by improving the conventional needle, and you can start your daily life immediately without a separate recovery period while minimizing scarring on the wound area.The principle needle treatment is also effective for the treatment of bloodless necrosis of the femur head. Blood circulation in the femur joint is interrupted, and ligaments and muscles around the joint and surrounding it can also be necrosis, but if the adhesion part of the articular sac is peeled off during necrosis, high pressure in the joint can be reduced and pain can improve.If the surrounding tissue is peeled off, a new blood vessel may be created and blood circulation may gradually improve. You can expect structural treatment effect to relieve the fundamental pain through the fundamental needle procedure. It can treat the soft tissue around the necrotized bone head and bone head to improve blood circulation, reduce pain, and prevent disease from progressing.In order to supply blood around the femur head, the bone is decompressed directly using a round needle, and the ligaments and muscles around the femur head are separated to improve blood circulation. Next, we will make it possible to find the normal range of femur head movement through the frequency treatment.I will inject a needle to promote blood circulation and take herbal medicine to recover the wound quickly.The principle needle is a procedure that maximizes the advantages by improving the shortcomings of conventional paint needles. The sharp edges are rounded to prevent minimal invasion and damage, and the length is long enough to reach the depth.If you are having trouble with your daily life due to severe hip pain, if surgery is burdensome, and if you want to get back to life by treating it quickly, try to get a needle in principle.(Advice: Igonmok Principle Oriental Medicine Hospital)If you are having trouble with your daily life due to severe hip pain, if surgery is burdensome, and if you want to get back to life by treating it quickly, try to get a needle in principle.(Advice: Igonmok Principle Oriental Medicine Hospital) The effect of the principle needle procedure may vary depending on the patient. 50m NAVER Corp. More / OpenStreetMap Map Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Simultaneous, County, District, Country196 Evergreen Building, Dongjak-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Igonmokwon-ri Hanpo Hospital196 Evergreen Building, Dongjak-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Igonmokwon-ri Hanpo Hospitalロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.
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